-Objective: Give articles for piano teachers to share ideas of daily lesson management, as well as to encourage their professional career.
- -Journal size : B5 (182mm * 257mm, 90pages)
- -Circulation: 13,700 copies
- -Type of Subscribers: PTNA members (Piano professors, teachers, students, parents, sponsors, etc.)
- -Month of Issue: April, July, October, January (30th)
- -Advertisement size:
- -Cover (Reverse) : 4C, 1p, 182mm*257mm, 320,000yen
- -Back Cover : 4C, 1p, 162mm*237mm, 400,000yen
- -Back Cover (Reverse) : 4C, 1p, 182mm*257mm, 280,000yen
- -Page inside :
- -1C, 1p, 182mm*257mm, 150,000yen
- -1C, 1/2p, 160mm*115mm, 80,000yen
- -1C, 1/4p, 160mm*55mm, 40,000yen
- -1C, 1/8p, 75mm*55mm, 20,000yen
- -Deadline: 5th of the month of issue
- -Contact: