The CEO made his speech at the 27th Piano Symposium in Korea

Mr.Seikoh Fukuda, CEO of PTNA has been invited to "The27th Piano Symposium" organized by The Piano Society of Korea, on July 26 2017.
He gave his presentation at EWJA Womens University in Seoul,as the only speaker from Japanese music organization.The tile of the speech as "The Present and Future Paradigm of the Piano Music Education for Digital Generation in Japan", he described the trend of the situation of music education in Japan, for example;
-The number of male learning the piano being increasing
-Playing the piano being becoming a skill development
(e.g. being proven in the brain science field)
-The Piano Competitions being increasing
Also he mentioned about our present day as digital period being possible to use as an educational tools with development. He has concluded his speech with the fact that our goal has not changed ever in 50 years, aiming to play the acoustic grand piano, and students playing Bach, Beethoven, Chopin,etc., In spite of the Degital period nowadays.
The audience listened the speech interestingly, and a lot of professors and teachers commented afterwards. Especially, they seemed to be interested in the apps "Lesson-Time" which Mr.Fukuda introduced, and also about the statistics that he showed(such as the number of piano learning students are increasing despite the fact that the whole population is decreasing) were enhanced the interest of the people.
Approximately 100 people attended to the whole Symposium and more than 8 speekers gave their presentation there, under the main theme of the Symposium "The Age of Artificial Intelligence:Classical Music Taking It's New Path".
Mr.Fukuda talked with Dr.Haewon Chang, the Chairperson of The Piano Society of Korea, and it was a good exchange between Japanese and Korean music educational organizations.