PTNA Launches "Piano Tuners' Introduction Service"
2017/07/31 | コメント(0)
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Here is one of the customer's testimonies.
"I had to find a new tuner, as my previous tuner was retired. Piano is an important instrument, and I would like to find a right tuner whom I can rely on, however, it is difficult to find one right away. So, I was grateful to find a right person through this service. I asked the new tuner what kind of sounds my daughter wanted, and the way she would like to perform. Sounds were changed dramatically after tuning, which was much more than she had expected. We are thankful for being introduced such a wonderful tuner though this new service. (client, Yoshie Katayama , tuner: Satoru Odajima)
Another client has been asking for different tuners every time. After she knew this new service, she read tuners' information thoroughly and found one who matched her needs. After the tuning, her daughter felt the keys much lighter and easier to play. It becomes comfortable for her students as well. (client: Maki Akagi, tuner: Yuriko Koyazu)
Then, why do we need tuning on a regular basis? The strings of piano are stretched with 20 tons of tension in total (90kg for one string). The tension changes as time passes, and the tone could be affected. Piano is the instrument made by natural resources like woods and felt, and is easily affected by the temperature and the humidity. The regular tuning is necessary for adjusting the tone and sounds, and for constant maintenance like a periodical medical checkup.
If you have a well-tuned piano, you may be able to listen to your own sounds more clearly, and that enables you to explore more beautiful, more sensitive sounds.
Let's listen to two different performances, and compare "before" and "after" of tuning (5 pieces from Burgmuller). Which is after tuning, A or B? Listen to and compare the differences of sounds and expressions.