PTNA announces the 4-day-comprehensive music program for the "Golden Week" in the early May. "The Concerto Day" will be on May 5th, in which you may learn concerto performances with artists. The program consists of 3 sessions; 1. Open lesson & lecture will be led by Kazumasa Matsumoto, pianist 2. PTNA Prize winners' concert performed by Kana Watanabe, Yasuko Furumi, Misora Ozaki. 3. Concerto STEP where anyone can apply and play with orchestra. On May 6th, "One Day Seminar for the Intensive Music Learning & Research" will be led by Claudio Soares, featuring the performance practice of J.S.Bach, technique, mind and esthetics for piano teachers. And during the whole week (May 3rd-6th), "La Folle Journee au Japon" will be held in Tokyo International Forum and the neighboring Marunouchi area. PTNA will hold an audition in March to select several artists who are entitled to play in the festival.