PTNA Family Membership Service Started!
2016/09/23 | コメント(0)
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PTNA expands membership service for families whose children learn piano. This "PTNA Family Member" stems from the PTNA Supporting Member, most of which are families. Recently the number of supporting members has been steadily increasing (1,400 members as of September 2016), and a statistic suggests that family support enhances the continuation of piano learning. The number of participants whose parents are members (supporting / family membership discount is available) has been increased in the last 5 years, that becomes twice the number of non-members.
Miki Shigeno (Hiroshima) always recommends families of her students to become PTNA members. Those families are supportive and collaborative, not only for their children, but also for the whole studio. They voluntarily exchange information, make arrangement of the concert halls for rehearsals, help accounting, organize lunch meeting for families, end-of-year party for the teacher, etc. This network continues even after their children graduate her studio.

Shigeno mentions that becoming a family member makes them more supportive toward music learning as a whole family. Furthermore, not only mothers but also fathers become enthusiastic in encouraging their children, by praising them, watching lesson videos together at the dinner table, filming their stage performances at studio concerts and competitions, etc. One of the fathers came to see the competition from his office during the breaktime.
It also changes the relationships between mothers. They praise other children one another as well as support their own children, and that increases the motivation of all the children. " There is nothing like piano learning to become a center of the stage where s/he can shine with his/her own character, and be supported by everyone at the same time...!" told a mother.
PTNA has another optional membership services for children ; Student member (junior high school students and above), and Grandmuse member (High school students and above).