Calls for Contributions to Support Kumamoto After Earthquakes
2016/05/01 | コメント(0)
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Due to the unprecedented large scale earthquakes in Kumamoto and Oita since April 14th, 92 thousands of people are forced to leave their houses behind and evacuate. They suffer from destruction of their houses, breakdown of living infrastructures, furnitures, etc., as well as demolition of their town and neighborhood environment. Piano teachers are no exception.

Kazuko Kuroki,one of the PTNA members, saw her piano moved and damaged after a series of strong earthquakes. One-thirds of her students are evacuating to neighboring prefectures and thus not able to come home and play piano. Another member, Tomiko Atsuji (photos) is trying to distribute drinking water to her neighbors.

One of the concert halls in Kumamoto had a big damage, and thus the preliminary round of PTNA Piano Competition was cancelled, which was scheduled to be held in June.

To support PTNA branch offices in Kumamoto to help them repair and restart their activities, PTNA calls for contribution up to 2 million yen. PTNA will give matching gift up to 1 million yen.
After releasing this announcement, 104 PTNA members have already contributed to this charity in a few days. The deadline of this project is May 19th, but your support will be welcome and accepted anytime in the future.