Workshops for Comprehensive Musicianship Announced 2016 Programs
2016/01/12 | コメント(0)
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"The Workshops for Comprehensive Musicianship" announced the program for the year 2016-2017. This workshop was launched in 2010, inviting lecturers with diverse backgrounds including pianists, composers, conductors, concertmaster, corépétiteur, editor, college director, etc. This year will also see a variety of lecturers like music critic, music producer, etc. One of the characteristics of the workshop is active-learning style. In the past 6 years, participants experienced conducting, singing, musical analysis, editing scores, etc. e-learning service is also available. Here is the program for 2016-2017;
(1) 4/20 "Learn Music along with required repertoires of PTNA piano competition" (Yasumi Taki / piano teacher, pianist)
(2) 5/18 "Find Out Your Way of Interpretation" (Mari Takeda /professor of Tokyo Music College, pianist)
(3) 6/22 "Debussy; Music and Arts" (Yasuhide Shinbata / Bridgestone Museum of Art)
(4) 7/20 "The Beauty of Just Intonation" (Nobuyuki Hirose/ pianist)
(5) 9/8 "How do woodwind instrumentalists see pianists?" (Tadyoshi Takeda/ clarinet player, director of Kunitachi College of Music)
(6) 10/5 "Harmony and Counterpoint for Performers" (Tatsuya Hayashi, Kunitaka Kokaji, composer)
(7) 11/9 "Let's Listen!" (Naoki Hayashida, music critic)
(8) 12/14 "How do cello players see music" (Tsuyoshi Tsutsumi, cellist)
(9) 2/15 "Music History without Piano" (Toshihiko Urahisa, music producer)
(10) 3/15 "Enjoy Music More!" (Tomiko Kojiba, composer)