Announcement for Yasuko Fukuda Scholarship Audition 2011

2010/11/25 | コメント(0)  | トラックバック(0)  | 

101119yasukoaudition.jpgYasuko Fukuda Scholarship Audition announces the guideline and schedule of the next edition in 2011. 
This audition consists of two stages; document screening and three lessons and a concert. Application is allowed to young pianists under 17 as of April 1st 2011, who have already awarded at least best prize at C grade or higher at PTNA piano competition.

Nine pianists will be chosen by the document screening in March, and will proceed to the final stage  in August. Three international judges will adjudicate the final stage which will begin on August 23rd, and nine candidates will take 60 min lessons from each. They should prepare different repertoires at each lesson and shall play free programs of 25-30 min length at the final concert on August 26th.  

The international jury members will be Prof.Alexander Braginsky (Artistic director of Piano-e-Competition), Prof.Bernhard Goetzke (professor of Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hannover), and one more to be announced. The first prize winner ('Yasuko Fukuda Prize') will be chosen exclusively by the voting of those invited judges. Apart from them, four Japanese committee members, Seikoh Fukuda, Fumiko Eguchi, Yuko Ninomiya, Emiko Harimoto and Reiko Matsuzaki, will join the voting and discussion after the final public concert in order to decide the other prize winners.

This scholarship audition was established in 2003 after the last will of late Madame Yasuko Fukuda, the founder of PTNA. The highest prize winner will be awarded a scholarship of 1,000,000 yen, which is advised to be used for studying abroad. Those prizes have been supported by the donations from PTNA members and branches. The first donator was Reiko Matsuzaki, a pianist and renowned professor, and the first edition of scholarship audition was held in the following year.  

Seven years later, this month, Yasuko Fukuda Foundation is established for preservation and effective use of donations for encouraging young pianists studying abroad or taking lessons by overseas professors. It will be applied to winners of Yasuko Fukuda audition, as well as grand prize winners (special grade) and gold prize winners (grade G) at PTNA piano competition. In 2010, some winners received financial supports for the lessons by Prof.Jacques Rouvier, Prof.Paul Badura-Skoda, Prof.Michel Béroff, Prof.Peter Rösel, Prof.Prof.Choong-Mo Kang, etc. and for the concerts in New York, Tronto, Hawaii, Utrecht etc. 
