AKira IMAI, invited by 1st Councurs Internacional Badura Skoda
The 1st Concurs Internacional Badura Skoda will be held on September 13-20th 2010 in Spain, and Prof.Akira IMAI will be invited as an adjudicator.
Prof.Imai studied with Prof.Skoda in his youth, and taught in Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien for long years. After coming back to Japan, he has been teaching at Kunitachi College of Music, postgraduate department.
He has been served as a councilor of PTNA, chairperson of international committee, adjudicator of PTNA Piano Competition etc.
He revised and published "Sonatinen-Album" referring to the first edition, and also translated one of the books written by Prof.Skoda, "die Klavierwerke Johann Sebastian Bachs" (Laaber-Verlag, 1990).