Lifelong Learning - A Shared Goal with National Festival

Lifelong learning system in Japan is flourishing.
The national festival "Manabi Pia" (representing "Manabi"=Learning, "Pia" = Utopia) run by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, will be organized in Satitama next autumn, and it determined to include PTNA Piano STEP as supporting events. 6 STEP areas in Saitama are registered.
"Manabi Pia" Festival was inaugurated in 1989 to foster the lifelong learning. Each year the Ministry and one local administration, in turn, act as a host. In partnership with local associations, corporations, schools, activity groups, administrative institutions, it has been offering people opportunities to help themselves make planning, practicing and presentation. PTNA has been taking part in this festival from the beginning, with an epoch-making event, "Playing with 111 grand pianos"(1989).
PTNA Piano STEP shares the goal with ManabiPia Festival in terms of lifelong learning. STEP began in 1997 to cultivate the lifelong learning of piano and offer participants of any ages and levels, opportunities for public performances. After 12 years, it has established its popularity and reputation, and the annual participants have reached over 33,258 in 2007.